We learnt all about palaeontology and how dinosaur fossils have been discovered and studied. These fossils have helped us learn more about dinosaurs.
We carried out an investigation being palaeontologists. We had to take the fossils (chocolate chips) out of the ground (cookie). We had to be very gentle and patient in order to preserve the ‘fossil’. We have been learning about homelessness whilst studying the text ‘Way Home’ in English. We discussed some of the issues linked to homelessness and what we could do to help those in need during winter.
We also sang ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ as a class. The children who have been learning to play the saxophone and clarinet, with the music tutor Dave, also performed festive songs. We watched a science show all about space which explained Newton’s laws of motion.
We’ve been studying Leonardo Da Vinci and managed to see some of his notebooks at the museum. We also identified lots of pulleys, levers and gears which we’ve been learning about in Science this term. Our story this half term was Clockwork and we visited the Clockmakers’ section where we saw all the cogs and gears inside of the clocks. In Science, we’ve been learning about gears, pulleys and levers. We then began designing and making our own machine with moving parts.
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December 2019
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