Wider CurriculumWe teach a broad curriculum, striving for excellence in every subject.
We have agreed key concepts in each subject area, which we call our ‘Big Ideas’. Our curriculum is carefully built around these ‘Big Ideas’, so that children revisit them over time, making connections and developing a deeper understanding of the subject. The Curriculum for each subject is mapped out into a ‘Learning Journey’. This shows the curriculum journey from Reception to Year 6. It shows how the ‘Big Ideas’ for each subject are revisited and built upon.
It helps teachers to know what has already been learned and what children will learn next. They can see clearly where their current subject study fits into the bigger picture.
Click here to see our subject learning journeys:
WD History Learning Journey - Progression Overview
WD Geography Learning Journey - Progression Overview
WD Science Learning Journey - Progression Overview
WD RE Learning Journey - Progression Overview / TH Syllabus for RE
WD PE Learning Journey - Progression Overview
WD DT Learning Journey - Progression Overview
WD Art Learning Journey - Progression Overview
WD PSHE Learning Journey - Progression Overview
WD French Learning Journey - Progression Overview
WD Music Learning Journey - Progression Overview / Development plan
WD Computing Learning Journey
WD History Learning Journey - Progression Overview
WD Geography Learning Journey - Progression Overview
WD Science Learning Journey - Progression Overview
WD RE Learning Journey - Progression Overview / TH Syllabus for RE
WD PE Learning Journey - Progression Overview
WD DT Learning Journey - Progression Overview
WD Art Learning Journey - Progression Overview
WD PSHE Learning Journey - Progression Overview
WD French Learning Journey - Progression Overview
WD Music Learning Journey - Progression Overview / Development plan
WD Computing Learning Journey
If you would like to find out more about the William Davis Curriculum contact our deputy head Charlotte Barrington on
[email protected], or click the link below.
[email protected], or click the link below.