Drama scheme teaches William Davis pupils how to protect their pocket moneyYear 5 and 6 children at William Davis Primary School were taught the basics of banking at a trip to the Bank of England Museum.
Over a two-week period, professional actors lead the youngsters through creative activities which encouraged them to explore how money matters to their lives. They performed two original plays about financial issues to bring the project to a close last month. “A lack of financial awareness at a young age can lead to financial difficulty later in life,” said Nicky Goulder, founder of charity Create, which ran the scheme. The sessions hoped to help the Wood Close, Bethnal Green school pupils “become well-equipped for the future” she added. Two-fifths (39 per cent) of Tower Hamlets residents live in poverty, according to independent non-profit Trust for London. Click here to see the original artical in the East London Advertiser. The new WD School Councillors took part in a pupil parliament planning session this morning.
They have been brainstorming questions to ask a panel of experts in a few weeks. They have considered three areas: human rights and equality, crime and anti-social behaviour and sustainable development. They did an excellent job of representing the school and made thoughtful and mature contributions. Last term William Davis hosted the 'Science Opens Doors' evening. It was great to see so many parents and children in attendance and supporting each other during the practical activities.
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December 2021